Chicago PD Recap 03/27/19: Season 6 Episode 17 Pain Killer

Chicago PD Recap 03/27/19: Season 6 Episode 17 "Pain Killer"

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, March 27, 2019, season 6 episode 17 called, “Pain Killer,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. On tonight’s Chicago PD season 6 episode 17 as per the NBC synopsis, “A mayoral candidate is shot by an unidentified sniper, and CPD races to catch the shooter before he can take out his next target.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago PD begins tonight with Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) coming home and inviting Blair Williams (Charles Michael Davis) to have the real “taste of Chicago”. Blair is called away but explains that him being a black man working so hard to make a white man mayor is for economic reasons. Kim refuses to join his cause, and they agree to dinner, but his choice.

A meeting is happening for the “Future Chicago” as the IU watch from the background. Ray Price (Wendell Pierce) is introduced, thanking everyone and them beginning his speech about how every kid gets the same chance to succeed, but a white man tells him to go back from where he came. Price says they need to break down the barriers as they all want good schools and a good chance. He encourages them to look to the children and prepare together.

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) walks out with Ray, wondering why he hasn’t used the “smoking gun” against Kelton, but he hasn’t felt the need to use since his opponent seems to be bleeding out. Voight warns him that he hasn’t won yet; suddenly shots are fired and Ray Price falls to the ground. Ray’s daughter keeps the pressure on his wound as Kim and Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) pursue a suspect. They corner him in an alleyway as Kim orders him to put his hands out when he doesn’t, Antonio cuffs him but he is clear. Kim advises all units that the shooter is still in the area.

Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) gives Voight all the intel they have on the man who ran. They meet with Ray’s wife who suggests they take a closer look at those who were running against him in the polls. Voight approaches Superintendent Kelton, who insists that he keep him up to speed. Voight says that he is talking about Ray as if he were already gone. Jay can’t understand why Voight hasn’t punched him yet, but he reminds him they are playing the long game!

Back at the precinct, Adam Ruzek (Patrick John Flueger) tells Hailey Upton (Tracy Spiridakos), Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) and the rest of the IU what they know so far about the shooting. There are two motives for the shooting, either because Price was black or that he was ahead in the polls and a lot of people didn’t want him to be mayor; Antonio feels this was the attempted assassination of an elected official and they are stepping into FBI territory. Voight tells them to play this like every other case until they hear otherwise.

Sgt Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) arrives upstairs and says Chicago Med called; Ray is in stable condition and no major damage. She presents them with a list of incidences that happened at the Price house, all racially motivated; disgusting but not chargeable. The one incident that stuck out was a witness seen Price having a violent argument with another mane in his backyard. Ray refused charges as it was a misunderstanding.

Voight and Burgess return to the hospital, asking Jasmine, Ray’s daughter about the 911 call she made the previous week. She claims it was a misunderstanding but the neighbors heard the fighting too and the only reason she made that call is that she was truly scared. Jasmine tells Voight she doesn’t know his name but he said he was going to kill Ray.

Ray is awake and Voight says he needs his help, asking about the man who came to his house threatening to kill him. Ray encouraged this man to buy a few buildings in an up and coming area so he expected Ray to fix the problem, and wasn’t willing to work on it until after the election. Voight understands, but he wants a name.

Hailey and Voight interrogate Mike about the weapons he owns, swearing he didn’t go hunting yesterday but Voight shows a picture of his car within a block of Ray’s meeting. Mike feels Price is a conman, he lost his business and wife because of this. He goes to all of Ray’s appearances, so he sees his face and remembers, but promises he didn’t try to kill him. He was getting a cup of coffee when he heard the shooting; amazingly Hailey and Jay are able to locate the gunman’s perch. They call over security who says he didn’t get a good look at the man’s face, other than he was black. Security thought the guy was stealing and took off in a green car; Jay finds his phone in the weeds.

They discuss what they know, with specific pinging spots. Voight says the stops were not random as one dot is his place, two is where he had breakfast and the third is when he met a CI, ending up at the fourth dot which was the Boys & Girls Club – Price wasn’t the target, Voight was!

They pull up footage of Voight’s day and they are able to see the green car at all three dots, where he could have shot Voight at any time, now wondering why he waited. Voight said he had the perfect place at the dedication. Antonio shows them the owner of the car is Melvin Barnes, has no records with the police but is a prison guard in Statesville. Voight warns them that he might be armed and wants the team going in heavy.

Kevin spots blood and the guard is lying dead at the bottom of the steps; looking like he was simply coming home with breakfast. Antonio feels this is very similar to how Price was shot; Antonio leaves on point while Kim informs Voight that a neighbor saw Melvin’s car leave the alley around 7 am. Voight has a theory, but they found the green car, it is empty but still warm. Hailey insists their suspect is targeting people who work in the justice system, and the courthouse has to be next.

They are trying to push people into the buildings when the shooting starts. Kim and Antonio deal with someone who took a bullet as Jay finds the shooter running on one of the rooftops. Hailey is able to give a good description of the shooter, but he continues to shoot at people while they pursue him. Antonio updates, staying with the young female who was shot and advising that Kevin is in pursuit. A short time later, Kevin says the shooter shed his sweater and backpack and is in the wind!

There is no good news in regards to where their perp went, but the man who got shot was Judge Anderson and will survive. Voight feels there has to be a Nexxus between the Judge, the prison guard, and Voight. He asks Hailey to come with him as Adam scoffs to Kim about Kelton using a tragedy to up his “game.” Kim goes to talk to Blair to see if he has any news.

In Voight’s office, the review things again as Kevin comes in with ballistics from the gun. It is registered to a man named Drew Bayless, who did two tours in Afghanistan. Adam is able to give Voight a file, showing that it was very difficult for him to reenter society after the war. At the apartment building, the manager says he hasn’t seen Bayless in a few days but he unwittingly walks into the hallway, then tries to run down the stairs where Kevin and Adam get him.

Voight and Kevin listen at how Drew feels this country doesn’t give a damn about their soldiers but is surprised to learn his rifle was just used in 3 attempted homicides. He says he just got back from Wisconsin on a hunting trip and someone must have stolen it while he was gone. It turns out he is telling the truth and watch the surveillance from the building. Jay finds him from facial recognition and his name is Darius Tatum; Voight arrested him when he was 17 years old and a lookout on an armed robbery. He helped Voight catch some very bad people, and got him a good deal. Kim informs him that Darius got stuck in the system, which bothers Voight since he felt Darius was a good kid.

Drew is put in the cage at the precinct where Voight gives him 30 seconds to explain everything he knows about Darius Tatum. They have him on record seeing Darius less than a year ago. Voight listens as Drew says Darius was a good kid and someone should have protected him, but instead they crushed him. Voight wants to know what happened as Drew revealed he used to date Darius’ sister and used to take him to the shooting range as his dream was to join the military and serve his country. He swears he doesn’t know where Darius is as he got rejected from the recruiting office. He lost all hope but to check if he is with his mother.

Voight arrives at the Tatum house, with his mother saying he saw her 2 days ago but wonders if he was the one who shot the judge since he hated Judge Anderson for placing him in prison just days before his 18 birthday. Voight assures her that he likes Darius and the only shot of finding him alive is her helping them. She shows them the computer, which has all the addresses and one more person Michael Willard, who was the director of a trade school for at-risk kids. Kevin says it is too late as shots were fired at the school. She pleads to go with them, saying Darius wouldn’t be in this situation if it wasn’t for Voight.

Voight speaks to Willard, who says Darius gave him nothing but problems for as long as he was there. There is a direct phone line to the room, so Kevin asks him to answer it. Voight tells him it is a good thing he didn’t kill Voight because he is the only one who is going to get him out of this. He wants Willard in exchange for the three boys he has as hostages. Darius calls Willard a coward who beats up little boys. Voight is willing to exchange himself for the boys, asking for one more chance to make it right; Darius promises 5 minutes but just as Voight is ready to go, Kelton walks in with SWAT, saying there will not be any negotiations

Voight says if this thing goes sideways, it would be a very bad look on the Chicago PD and killing innocent kids. Voight’s plan is to get Darius talking, so he can get him close to the window and SWAT can get a clean shot.

Voight enters the room, telling Darius he can keep his gun but he needs to let the kids go; if he does that he can get Darius out safe too. Darius reveals in Juvi when they found out he was a snitch, he was beaten and abused every day and it was Willard that told the kids that in the first place. Hailey demands to know if that was true but Willard says he is a liar and a punk. Jay reminds him that Darius was a cooperating witness he was supposed to protect. Willard says his only goal was to prevent these kids from killing each other, as they were not running a daycare.

Darius is shouting at Voight, about how he only wanted to get his life back. Voight warns Darius about the snipers outside and all he is trying to do is save his life. Voight begs him for an act of faith and lets the hostages go; Darius says it is too late but Voight tells him about the promise he made to his mother and the love they have for each other. He simply needs to let the kids go so he can see her again. Voight tells them two hostages coming out with their hands up, and they need to stand down.

Back inside, Voight talks to the 17 yr old, Malcolm that Darius has. He tells him to take the gun off Voight, even though Voight asks him to put it down as he isn’t going to hurt him. Darius puts the gun down as Voight tells Malcolm to approach him first. Malcolm runs out as Voight screams that he is a hostage. Once alone with Darius, he tells him to calm down, put the gun on the table and walk to him. Darius asks Voight to tell his mom he is sorry and SWAT kills him.

Jay comes to see Voight in his office, talking about Willard giving information about Cis for years. Voight tells Jay they can build a case, at least that would be something. He admits he didn’t know if Darius would have shot him, but he was the one who started the ball rolling and even though they do their best to help these kids, putting them on a conveyor belt hoping they will get off of them, most of them don’t.

Voight stands at the Tatum house, with an envelope full of cash for the funeral. She slams the door in his face as he apologizes. He leaves the money in her mailbox.

