Little story time.. on September 26th 27 years ago, a super funny and talented young lady was born, her parents decided to name her Lilly, who is now also known as iiSuperwomanii on YouTube!
In those 27 years of her life, Lilly not only grew up, and battled in some wars, no. She also became very popular online, and has made a huge impact on a lot of people. So we decided to narrow it down a little bit, and throw back to some of her biggest and best moments as a 26 year old!
On Feburary 23rd, Lilly officially released the music video to her song ‘The Clean Up Anthem’, in her video “a fan named sickick made this song, and it shall now be official #CleanUpAnthem”. The music video now has over 4 Million views on YouTube. Click here to watch the video and listen to the song!
On March 13th, Lilly came out with a YouTube Series on the YouTube channel ‘I love makeup’ called Lana Steele – makeup story. There, Lilly plays the role of a brilliant spy at the top of her game who has to go undercover to complete missions using the transformational art of makeup. This series has a total of 14 episodes and about 1.1 Million views.
Also in March, Superwoman announced her Tour A trip to unicorn island, where together with her closest friends and a huge team, she travelled to a lot of different places around the world, for example the UK, Dubai, Canada, India, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Unites States. There, she hung out with her fans, also called Team Super!
On April 16th, Lilly released yet another song, that was tributed to her hometown Toronto. The song is called #IVIVI which are roman numerals for 4-1-6, this is Torontos area code that was released on 4-16-2015.
Now lets make a time jump to July! On July 12th, Lilly actually won the MTV Fandom award and was named Social Superstar of the year, thats very impressive! She definitely deserves that title, after all she is Superwoman.
On the 26th of July Lilly had a special episode on Teens React, a YouTube show that was created by the FineBros, where they showed a bunch of teens some of Superwoman’s videos and they had the teens react to her.
Now lets jump to September, In September she was included in Peoples Magazines annual ‘Ones to watch’- List, and lets be honest here, who wouldn’t want to be part of that list?
We all know that Lilly has some tattoos, well in September, Lilly added another, really special tattoo on her body. On her shoulder to be exact. The two simple words “One Love” have special meaning to her, because she says it at the end of every single one of her videos. Who has never heard her say “Until next time, One Love Superwoman that is a wrap and Zoop!”
Now heres yet another award that she won, on September 18th, Lilly Singh wom the “first person” Streamy award, and thats a pretty big deal if you ask me, two awards in the matter of one year. Thats more than I will ever get in my lifetime.
And now, most importantly, and by far the biggest accomplishment Lilly has made while she was 26. She not only got rid of her depression, she also reached 6.7 Million subscribers, which means 6.7 million people that she made smile, 6.7 Million people that she made an impact on in her life. She has helped so many people throughout the years, and if you ask us, that is the biggest accomplishment someone can ever make.
So, officially and from the bottom of our heart. Happy Birthday Lilly! We wish you all the best and hope that you have had the best 26 years of life someone could ever wish for.