Lily Collins on her bold brows: Its the quirky things that make you beautiful

Even though I still kind of think Lily Collins was an awful choice to play Snow White (in the disastrous Mirror Mirror), I did end up falling for her a little bit. She pulled out some good looks on the publicity tour, and she seemed to have a great attitude about fame and her career and her “unconventional” eyebrows. It was almost like she was openly defying me, daring me to yell at her eyebrows. But I cannot. Anymore. Just to defend myself a little bit – the production stills that came out of Mirror Mirror were HIDEOUS. Like, awful lighting, bad costumes, terrible makeup. I think that initially influenced my (negative) opinion of Lily. Also… to defend myself a little bit further… I do think she has groomed herself a bit more after the “furry” Mirror Mirror debacle. While she still has bold, thick brows, they seem to be more tapered and she’s definitely taken care of those stragglers looking to make their way to Unibrow Town. Anyway, Lily is featured in the September issue of Glamour – the one with Posh Beckham on the cover, and Posh “guest-edited”. Posh actually chose Lily for this feature!

Listen in as Glamour gets to know Mirror, Mirror star and Hollywood darling Lily Collins, 23, who’s got two big movies coming out soon: The English Teacher and the adaptation of sci-fi trilogy Mortal Instruments. (And, yes, eighties rocker Phil Collins is her dad.) She was handpicked for this story by guest editor Victoria Beckham.

Glamour: What’d you think when you found out Victoria had chosen you for this issue?
Lily Collins: I was so honored! I grew up adoring the Spice Girls. And you can’t touch her when it comes to fashion. She owns every outfit she wears. I don’t know how she handles all of those kids—and in heels!

Glamour: What’s your approach with makeup?
LC: Less is more. When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong.

Glamour: Your eyebrows have become your signature. How does it feel to have one part of your body be so obsessed over?
LC: Big brows weren’t the look in L.A., where I grew up. But my mom instilled in me that it’s the quirky things that make you beautiful.

Glamour: You’ve worked with the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Picked up any tips?
LC: With Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Julianne Moore, and Jennifer Connelly, they weren’t fussy with hair and makeup. They all exude this inner and outer beauty. I learned that no matter how big you get, it’s still important not to let anything go to your head.

[From Glamour]

I cosign her feelings about makeup. Whenever I look at photos of Duchess Kate or Kim Kardashian, I just think they seem so uncomfortable under the sheer weight of all of their makeup. I suppose it’s something many women get used to, but I just never could. That being said, it’s easy to not wear much makeup when you’re 23 years old like Lily, you know? Anyway, I’m glad Lily feels the same way… and I’m glad she’s found a way to embrace her quirks.

Photos courtesy of Glamour, WENN.
