Porsha Williams Is Working Out For The First Time In A Year And A Half See Her Clip

Porsha Williams proudly announced her fans that she is working out for the first time in a year and a half! Check out the video that she shared on her social media account in order to see her routine.

‘#BodiedbyPorsha 1st time working out in a year and a half. No long speech here we will see where it goes🤷🏾‍♀️. But it feels good & I survived. lol 😅 Trainer: @mstischh #PjMomma,’ Porsha captioned her post.


Porsha’s sister, Lauren Williams said the following: ‘You did that bihh!!! U go hot mama!!! I bet you went bike riding after that! Ur a beast! See you next week!! …. maybe’

Someone said: ‘I’m so glad you allowed yourself to be a mommy and not rush for the snapback… even though u were naturally snapped.’

A follower posted this video: ‘Girl I wish I could go that long without working out & still look how you look.’

Someone else wrote: ‘Don’t hurt your back girl you have to squat. But get it, girl, I’m inspired to start,’ and a commenter said: ‘Encouragement. Is Californians the only people wearing masks?’

Another follower posted this: ‘You should be doing the booty workout video. Lol. Kenya and Phaedra did not do a good video. Lol’ and a fan gushed over Porsha and told her: ‘@porsha4real dem legs and booty was on fire that next day tho.’

An Instagrammer told the RHOA star: ‘Well u maintained your weight pretty good for a year girl. I am blowing up in 30 days lol 😂’ and a follower said: ‘OMG! Me too… It’s hard getting back into shape. We got this!’

Porsha made headlines the day before when she showed her fans that she is a proud cousin.


She just congratulated her first baby cousin after she graduated. You should definitely check out her message and the beautiful photos that she shared on her social media account.
