Tess Daly Diet Plan and Workout Routine

Former host of The Strictly Come Dancing, Tess Daly is not yet off from the list of hotties. Married to Family Fortunes presenter, Vernon Kay, Tess is mommy of two beautiful daughters. Tess seems to have deterred both her weight and age, because even after crossing forty; she still looks as sizzling and stunning as she looked when she first started her career in modeling.

There are very few stars who are meant to maintain their magnetic beauty and glory forever, and Tess indeed is one of them. Goddess of sculpted body bestows the credit of her youthful skin and enviable figure to balanced diet and regular exercises.

Tess Daly Diet Plan

Tess reckons, should you want your body to acquire desired body shape, without freaking out, embark on healthy eating habits. Your diet is the most natural fuel, which runs your body. Better, the fuel you will feed to your body, better the results your body will bestow you.

Balanced diet is paramount to uphold optimum health of your body. Tess heavily relies on healthy and nutritious foods to bump up her metabolism. She shares, if your metabolism is amicable, your body naturally burns fat, so without switching to extreme means to shed pounds, you can conveniently torch pounds from your body.

Tess also reveals her obsession for carb foods. She often fails to control her cravings for them and end up bearing the daunting results later, as high carb foods cause bloating, and acidity in her body. And she feels as if her stomach has swelled up like balloon. However, the electrifying beauty has been able to abide by good eating habits, which inevitably are reflected by her body and skin.

Tess makes sure that she doesn’t succumb to emotional eating, because it is one of the biggest stimulating factors accountable for overeating. Should you wish to purge emotional eating, practice meditation for five minutes and don’t preserve junk foods in your bag, store healthy nuts and seeds instead. Besides building up good eating habits in you, availability of healthy foods will also beat emotional eating by balancing hormonal imbalance in your body.

Tess Daly Workout Routine

Sculpted figure of magnetic star is the outcome of yoga, Pilates, swimming, and some other cardio exercises. Having learnt yoga from her yoga guru, Annabel Caithness, Tess performs various kinds of yoga postures such as crow pose, bridge pose, side plant, spinal twist etc.

All these postures provide adequate stretching to her arms, shoulders, stomach, legs, hips, and thighs. Despite being mommy of two children, Tess is absolutely proportionate and perfect around her hip area. Her long sexy legs and well-toned bums undeniably are the hottest and most enviable parts of her body.

The iconic beauty practices variety of lunges, squats etc. to keep them toned and sculpted. While yoga is part of her daily workouts, she occasionally practices Pilates and cycling, and swimming.

Healthy Recommendation For Tess Daly Fans

When the fabulous and refreshing beauty can maintain to look slim and refreshing even at this age, why cannot you. You can follow some of the tips of Tess and can secure healthy and toned body for you. Tess recommends her fans to stay active all the while. Don’t leave your body and mind free to dwell on negative things.

Despite having hectic personal as well as professional life, Tess doesn’t forget to draw minimum thirty minutes in a day for herself. You can also attain sexy and healthy body by providing movement to your body. More idle life you will live, more fats you will find piled up around your body parts.

Practice living an agile life and don’t sit incessantly for more than twenty minutes. Prefer doing some light stretching exercises. These stretching exercises will weed out stress from your body and will save you from back pain, obesity, and other diseases.

Tess also gives an incredible advice to nursing mother, if you are a nursing mother; don’t step away from breastfeeding, because it is the most natural way to melt pounds. Your body zaps away five hundred calories in a day in the act of breastfeeding. You inevitable can acquire flattering results by staying in close contact with nature and natural phenomenon devised by God.
