Thanksgiving is a time to share with those nearest and dearest to us; our family and friends. It’s a time to take a step back and realize what is most important to us; and at Celebrations we want to wish everyone a joyous and happy Thanksgiving, and we thank you for all of your support over the years!
I also wanted to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to a very special man, Walt Disney, and all of the things he did to create this magical world that we all enjoy so much…and not just specific things like his films and his parks. Rather, I wanted to take this time to express my gratitude for those ideals that he held so near and dear to his heart, and which went a long way toward creating all of the magic that we experience today. But most importantly, these are all ideals that we can take to our hearts and use in our everyday lives, so that we can achieve our ambitions and dreams.
Anyone who’s a huge fan of the Carousel of Progress (like I am) knows that progress was very important to Walt Disney – indeed, it was the inspiration for this attraction. But much more than that, the concept of progress allowed Walt Disney to continue to push himself to think of new ideas. Not just to think of them, but to work as hard as he could to make them come to life. To him, there were no such thing as barriers, only opportunities. This led him to continually push the boundaries of what was possible. Not only did this drive for progress lead him to expand the worlds of entertainment and moviemaking, but most importantly, it pushed him to – if you’ll pardon the phrase – strive to create a great big beautiful tomorrow. And for all of us, we can be inspired by Walt Disney’s determination to never rest on his laurels; and to use this inspiration to keep pursuing our dreams; to keep pushing ourselves even when everyone is telling us no, and to say “yes I can” when everyone is telling you that it can’t be done. This is how true progress is achieved, and while it may be difficult to do at times, we can look to the example of Walt Disney and realize that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything.
Walt Disney loved to tinker. To try out new things. To think of new ideas and work to turn them into reality. This is evidenced by the fascination he found with a tiny souvenir of a small mechanical bird. Intrigued by the possibilities it offered, he and his team of what would become today’s Imagineers worked tirelessly to perfect what we know today as Audio-Animatronics. And let’s not forget all of the innovations he brought to animation and filmmaking; from music synchronization to the creation of the multi-plane camera, and of all the innovations that his current day team continues to perfect. Whether it’s groundbreaking CGI animation or incredible new attractions at the parks, today’s Imagineers continue to come up with new and creative ways to enhance the Guest experience.
And again, for those of us who are longing to achieve our dreams, innovation can be a big part of whatever we’re trying to accomplish. You just might be the one to come up with that great new idea, or even that little tiny idea that you share with the world…but in a totally new and different way. Whatever it is, the lesson is to never stop dreaming, to never stop thinking, and to never stop wondering if there could be a better way.
This is perhaps Walt Disney’s greatest gift of all…the gift of imagination. We often say that Walt Disney World is a place where dreams really can come true, but that’s not just a slogan. This is a place where we can become all of those things we dreamt of as children: an astronaut, a pirate, even a princess. Even though great storytelling is at the heart of everything that Disney does, imagination doesn’t just come down to great storytelling. It comes down to reaching inside of you to find that inner artist, musician, actor, writer, or whatever it is you dream to be. It’s the ability to tap into that skill we had as children; when we would play endlessly and let our imaginations run wild. Regrettably, as we grew older, we often lost that ability, largely because of the illogical assumption that growing up meant letting go of childish dreams. Nothing could be further from the truth. Some of the greatest thinkers and innovators today have the greatest imaginations of all. They don’t see the world for what it is, they see it for what it can be.
And it is for this that I am most thankful – realizing that dreaming and imagination didn’t have to go away as I grew up. That’s what gave me the courage to go to art school, to maintain my love for Disney, and to put my heart and soul into pursuing this dream. I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say that my love for Disney, and further, everything that Walt Disney stood for, continues to inspire me to this day. And yes, to believe in magic and dreams. For that, I will always be grateful.
What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving? Are there ways that those around you have inspired you to achieve things you never thought possible? If so, please share with them with us in the comments below, but most importantly, be thankful for your family and friends, and we hope you have a most wonderful Thanksgiving!
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