It’s hard to believe that your child is no longer with you, and it gets even worse when you have no clue where your child actually is. The disappearance of Jennifer Kesse is a mystery that has left us all in suspense.
Drew and Joyce Kesse, the parents of Jennifer Kesse, are now leading her case on their own. However, what happened to Jennifer Kesse is a mystery to solve.
Let’s have a look at what exactly had happened to Jennifer Kesse and how she vanished.
The flashback is that 15 years ago, in January 2006, a 24 years old girl had everything in her life. She was happily living on her own and happy with her soul and family.
She was a lively girl with dreams in her eyes and always energetic and sharp. There is nothing wrong with her life, and she was such a responsible child of her parents.
She had almost everything in her life, and recently she got promoted in her job as a project manager, which was a significant achievement for her at a very young age.
Her mother, Joyce Kesse, was really close to her daughter. In an interview, her mother said that “My daughter was really happy and full of life.”
Her mother also elaborated that she was in love; she had a boyfriend a year before who lived in fort Lauderdale.
According to her mother, they have a long-distance relationship but still, they see each other every weekend and love each other so much.
The mystery of Jennifer goes deep and deep as we come to know that she is so happy with everyone, but still, she vanished.
A week before she disappeared, she had a fabulous party on a weekend trip with her boyfriend at St. Croix.
Her boyfriend, Rob Allen, stated that his friend told him he was in love with her but not making it official.
The mystery got more complicated when she came home back happily from the trip on January 23, 2006.
It was Monday when she came back and talked to her mother on the way to the office. Later on, she also called her father and other siblings.
According to Rob Allen, they had a slight disagreement on the long-distance relationship on January 23 same day in the evening.
That was the last called she made, and he was the last person who spoke to her. On the very next day, her parents got a call from her office that she didn’t show up today.
And that’s the day when Jennifer Kesse disappeared. Her parents knew that there was something wrong because she never put her phone on the message record, And that was the first time she did that.
Her father and brother went on the road soon after hearing the news, and the first thing they did, they visited her apartment in Orlando, Florida.
Moreover, they saw that there was no mishap. Everything was just perfect, as she had just left for the office from her apartment.
They further describe that the shower was wet, her makeup was open on her table and her night T-shirt was on the floor as she used to throw it when she wakes up every morning.
Many of her friends and family gathered around when they heard the news, and they gathered on the corner of the street with placards of Jennifer’s name as she was missing.
Later on, the police declared that Jennifer Keese was missing. Two days later, police found a black Chevy Malibu that belonged to Jennifer Kesse.
The car was 1 mile away from her apartment. At that time, there was hope for any news, but when police checked and opened the back trunk, they saw nothing.
The car was untouched, and nobody didn’t steal anything from it. They didn’t found any evidence.
At the point when investigators assessed observation video from the CCTV camera where Jennifer Kesse’s vehicle was found, they saw an individual leaving her vehicle.
At around early afternoon on the day Jennifer disappeared, that man crashed into the parking garage, sat in the vehicle for around 30 seconds, and afterward left.
The observation video snapped a picture at regular intervals, and each time, his face was blocked by a fence post.
Sadly, another lead was gone from their hands, but her parents didn’t give up hope. They move into her apartment immediately to be more close to the case.
Soon after they moved in, they heard that there were some workers in the building who used to irritate Jennifer, and she was uncomfortable with that.
They told that to the police, but unfortunately, some of the workers had already left work just one week before Jennifer disappeared.
A new Beginning of her case
A half-year after Jennifer Kesse vanished, Detective Joel Wright turned into the lead specialist and started a hypothesis of what exactly happened to her on January 24, 2006.
According to Detective Joel Wright, she got ready for the office. She went out and started driving, and she went as fast as she could but on the way to the office she got kidnaped.
Two years later her parents again protested and showed the people how much they were sad for their daughter and that she should come home now.
Almost three years after Jennifer Kesse’s disappearance, Detective Wright chose to investigate the case and talked with individuals on audiotape.
One individual he addressed was a previous maid at Jennifer’s complex. At the point when he showed the lady the CCTV camera recording image of the unidentified person.
She let him know it took after a man she knew from the complex known as Chino because of his hair, clothing, and the way he walked.
This was the fresh lead in her case; Detective Joel Wright also found that Chino was working in her complex a week before she disappeared.
He also observed that Chino was involved in other crimes, and it appears that he might be involved in her case or responsible for her kidnap.
When Detective Joel Wright found Chino, he was already in charge of the rape case and was in prison in jail.
Detective Joel Wright investigated him; Chino said that he went to her apartment, she let him in, and everything was good.
He further said that he didn’t know anything about what had happened to her that day. Chino took a polygraph test, and he passed.
The sad part again came in the life of the kesses family when in 2010, Detective Joel Wright resigned, and the kesses family got disappointed with the Orland investigation department.
The major turn in Kesses Family
In 2016, Jennifer Kesse’s family declared her dead as it was ten years, and no one knows where she went. Her father state that
“That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life,”
In December of 2018, the Kesses sued the Orlando Police Department for a duplicate of Jennifer’s case records.
Following quite a while of legitimate fighting, in March 2019, they all arrived at a settlement.
The OPD gave in excess of 16,000 pages and 67 hours of video and audiotape to the Kesses. Under the understanding, the Orlando Police Department would presently don’t conduct the examination.
Michael Torretta is a private agent who works for the Kesses. He says he took in somewhere in the range of 10 months after Jennifer vanished.
A person was seen unloading a rolled-up piece of floor matt into a lake not far from where Jennifer resided.
This tip was particularly intriguing to him in light of the fact that on the day, Jennifer disappeared.
There were laborers setting down cover in the loft across the corridor from Jennifer’s apartment suite. Torretta says he realized he needed to look at that tip.
In November 2019, neighborhood police came out with a jumping group to look through the lake where an observer said the piece of floor mat was unloaded.
The group went through two days looking. But they didn’t discover anything.
The Kesses have committed over 15 years of their lives to discovering reality with regards to what exactly had happened with their girl on the morning of January 24, 2006.
Joyce Kesse says that they will always keep searching for her daughter on their own until their heartbeats.
And now they are more determined than ever to solve their daughter’s case to make her story alive as long as they can.