Tonight on CBS their Emmy award winning reality show, Undercover Boss continues for an all new Sunday January 3, season 7 Episode 3 called “Shoppers World,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Sam Dushey, President and CEO of Shoppers World, works undercover at his discount apparel and merchandise retail stores.
On the last episode, Shawnon Bellah, Crest Foods COO, worked undercover at the company’s Nestlé Toll House Café by Chip and experienced a sugar crash when she failed to meet her own customer service requirements. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.
On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Sam Dushey, President and CEO of Shoppers World, works undercover at his discount apparel and merchandise retail stores, and discovers a security deficient store where shoplifters are walking away with lots of items.”
The show airs tonight at 8:30pm on CBS and we will be live blogging all the details. So don’t forget to come back and refresh your screen often for live updates.
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
Tonight on #UndercoverBoss, Sam Dushey, the President of Shopper’s World is in the hot seat. It’s a family owned discount retailer that carries clothes, furniture, electronics, housewares and more. Dushey talks about how his dad emigrated from Syria and opened their first store.
He says he grew up at the family stores and learned all about the business. He says they were at eight stores for 30 years because his dad was very conservative. He took over the company when he was 27. He took advantage of cheap real estate prices in the recession to open new stores.
They now have 40 stores and he wants to grow to 500. Sam says he’s accomplishing things that no one thought he would. He goes to talk to his dad Abe about the business. He’s the last family member left in the biz and says he always checks with his dad.
His dad is still preaching a conservative approach. Sam says he’s working on a different level than his dad did when he got into this. His home is in Trump Tower and we see his wife Honey telling him he’s over-packing for the trip.
They have two sons and they all kiss him goodbye as Sam leaves for his trip. The makeover chick bleaches Sam’s hair blond for starters. Sam talks about watching Rick Forman’s episode of Undercover Boss and says he’s going to blow him out of the water.
He also gets a spray tan because he’s going as a Jersey surfer dude. He outs on jeans, glasses and an earring and is unrecognizable once they’re done with him. He heads to the first store and is working in the shoe department with Nalini.
She takes him downstairs to the department and says it all has to be organized. There’s dust all over and he asks for tissue. She tells him he’s moving too slow. He realizes the shoes are a mess and says the buyer is buying too many styles for the space they have.
He thinks about how this is his fault for pushing the buyers too much product. She then takes him upstairs to do some stocking but tells him he needs to move faster. She says she’s been doing this for eight years and says she met her fiance at the store.
She says she has a nephew she takes care of plus her sick dad who has kidney problems and her mom has spinal problems. She supports all of them. She says you have to be grateful for your parents. She says she gets a daily paycheck but sometimes you look at it and says she’s had the same pay.
She says her hours got cut and her pay was cut down by a third and she has no promotion offers. She says she’s thought about looking for another job but she can’t risk it. Sam says this makes him feel bad and says his dad would be disappointed to know she has been with them that long with no reward.
He’s now in Morrow, Georgia and says Atlanta is a hot retail market. He’s working with Shar and she says he looks totally Jersey Shore. She has him organizing pants and then he notices how many school uniforms they have in stock when back to school is done. He also sees fans instead of heaters.
It’s colder weather and he sees the stock doesn’t make sense. She gets him back to the pants and he rips a pair of pants. He asks if they get a discount and she says they do. She asks him if he’s married and says she was going to marry her baby daddy but he was cheating on her.
She’s six months pregnant and he asks if she’s nervous. She says she’s happy to be working and then takes him to dress a mannequin. She tells him to pick out an outfit and says use your fashion sense. He asks if she got a training manual and she says no, dive right in.
Sam is upset because he knows there is a manual that he helped right but she doesn’t knowing anything about it. He dresses a mannequin and she says to put some of the merchandise near it but then he knows she’ll have to hand stuff down.
He asks where she learned all this and Shar says they just threw her on the register with no training at all. He asks to go use the restroom. He steps out and makes an angry call to Howard, his Director of Operations. He asks where the merchandise manuals are.
Sam asks where are all the policies and the intranet that they don’t have access to. He asks why no one told him they have tons of leftover uniforms in stock. He says he’s going to use his shirt over this. He tells Howard and Matt the District Manager to get there and fix it immediately.
Next he goes to a Cleveland, Ohio store to work in the children’s department. He meets with Carol who runs the department. He’s stunned by what a large job she does. She shows him how to scan and check prices and mark them down if it’s clearance.
He can’t do anything right and then she tells him that it kicked her out and she has to reboot it. She says it’s the only scanner the store has. She says they had two but one went down and says they have bad WiFi and that’s the problem.
Sam is upset that the scanning gun is cutting off. He says he needs to figure out what’s going on in the stores. They hear an alarm beeping and he looks around. Two clerks go to the door and Carol says someone stole it but they were too late to get to the door.
He asks where’s security and she says they are security. Sam is in shock and says he has no idea what he’s going to find. He says he’s boiling right now and is going to take major action. He talks to Aimee, the assistant manager.
She says they have cameras but no security. She says one woman was going out the back door with a cart of merchandise and pepper sprayed her when she tried to stop her. She says it happens once or twice a day and these people put them at risk.
She says they tried to tell the company. Sam feels like he let them down by putting them in harm’s way. He then calls regional manager Mark and says the store just got robbed and says he wasn’t even there an hour when it happened.
He says it’s a disaster and says it gets robbed every day. He says they need a security guard ASAP and asks how fast he can make it happen. Next he goes to Brooklyn, New York to one of his original stores. His grandfather opened the store back in the 1950s.
He says it was a small store but now has expanded to a city block. He’s working with a cashier. He works with Tanisha. She has him put on a vest and says she’s going to take care of him. She shows him how to scan and how to punch it in if it doesn’t scan.
She tapes up the bag and thanks the customer. She says they tape the bags for security reasons so they don’t put something in an open bag on the way out. Sam says that’s a great initiative the store took on their own but says they still need better security.
He’s annoyed by how many items won’t scan. He says it slow down everything. He says she should tell a manager since the line is building up. Tanisha tells him you just have to have fun with it. He says Tanisha is a perfectionist – she tells him to work harder at customer service and says smile.
She tells Sam he learned fast on the register and says her mother grew up shopping for them there. She tells him about her 23 year old son and her father in a nursing home. She says it’s rough because her dad always cries when she has to leave.
She says she can’t keep him at her home because she can’t afford a nurse. She says she makes minimum wage and only gets to work three or four days a week. She says she would never leave the store and really likes it. She says she enjoys it.
Sam says she has such courage and says he doesn’t know if he could do what she does and cope. He has tears in his eyes. She says break is over and time to get back to work. He says Tanisha was the perfect end to this amazing journey.
He goes back to the hotel and says he came out of this with a big weight on his shoulders. He says he thinks he’s lost sight of what’s important. He says his father and grandfather ran their own stores and were very modest and he went and expanded.
He says he lost some of the values and ethics of his family. He says his grandfather treated the team in the store like family and he needs to do better by his employees. He says he’s not doing his job as a CEO. He undoes his makeover by shaving and coloring his hair dark.
He then goes to the reveal with his employees. Carol says Alex (his undercover name) needed improvement. He tells them he’s the Shopper’s World CEO and this was Undercover Boss. He tells Shar he loved working with her and saw a lack of training.
He says that’s his fault not hers and is going to put in a new training program. He says he wants her to be successful. He says he knows how scary it is to be a new parent. He says he’s giving her $10k and she starts crying. He says it’s money for her new baby.
She says this has changed her life and everything is going to be okay. He then meet with Nalini and says he knows his employees have not been treated fairly. He says she’s worked her butt off and was never rewarded. He says she’s getting full time hours back.
He says she’s part of the family and wants to keep her. He also wants to make her the head of visual and merchandising for footwear and offers her a $15k signing bonus right now. She thanks him and is floored. He says he’s giving her another $20k for her dream wedding.
She says when she walks down the aisle, it will be because of Sam. Then he talks to Aimee, the manager and her security concerns. She tells him it’s scary. He says he was mortified to find out she’s risking her life and says no one should feel that way.
He says he’s putting $1.2 million in security across the country. He tells her to be proud of herself. He says he’s also going to give all the full-time employees a check for $5k each. She starts crying. He says he’s giving her another $15k because of how hard she works.
She thanks him and says it’s unbelievable. She says she’s been living paycheck to paycheck forever and this will change her life in so many ways. Next he meets with Carol and talks about working with his father back in the day.
He says he sees the issues with the scanners and says because of her, he’s going to put $500k into upgrading all the routers and WiFi. She says she loves her job and that thrills her. She says she could retire but loves working there.
She says her husband Bob is ill so she has to keep working. Sam gives her $20k and says it’s for Bob’s care and her retirement. She’s floored. She says he’s going to make her cry and he gets teary too. She says everyone works hard and she hopes he appreciates all of the employees.
Carol says she’s going to take her husband some place he’s always wanted to go while he can still see and walk. Last he meets with Tanisha and says she trained him perfectly. He says employees like her keep them in business.
He says he’s going to make her full time then says he can’t lose her. He hands her a tissue when she starts to cry. He says she’s so courageous and has great charisma. He says he’s giving her $100k to bring her father home and care for him and herself.
She says that can’t be real and she’s really bawling now. She says God sent him to her and says he’s her angel. He gives her a big hug. She says she’s going to get her pops and is so happy. Weeks later, Shar moved back with her family to Florida and had a baby girl.
Nalini is planning her dream wedding and Aimee is hoping to buy a new home. Carol is planning a trip with her husband and Tanisha is now a supervisor and is getting a new home to help her dad be with her.