Was Jennifer Lawrence rude to a reporter after her Golden Globes win?


Jennifer Lawrence won her third Golden Globe on Sunday. It was her third Globe for a film role in a David O. Russell film too, which is weird, because I don’t think she’s even doing her best work with DOR. Anyway, like all the winners, Jennifer was shuffled off to the press scrum behind-the-scenes after her win. The Golden Globes and the Oscars both do this – just after winning, you have to do about a million short interviews with a million different outlets. Celebrities can get especially punch-drunk during that part of the awards-show night, especially if they’ve already been consuming actual alcoholic beverages. Which we know J-Law had been doing (after all, she did thank her “home town, Kentucky.”)

So when J-Law was standing in front of the media scrum Sunday night, she decided to have some fun… I guess. Just know, that when I first watched this video very early Monday morning, I really didn’t understand why this was controversial in the least. I’m somewhat familiar with J-Law’s tone, and it seemed like she was doing a bit to make people laugh, and trying to keep everything sort of light. But some people thought she was actually serious, and that she was being a major bitch to this one journalist. Here’s the video:

He’s trying to ask her something and she interrupts him, saying: “You can’t live your whole life behind your phone, bro. You can’t do that. You’ve got to live in the now.” Then he tries to ask her something about how she “sees herself” for the Oscars and “We’re at the Golden Globes. If you put your phone down you’d know that.”

The reporter apparently works for Latin and South American E!, mostly in Argentina, Mexico and Venezuela. Some thought she was being really rude, or maybe that she was just trying to shut him down completely. I don’t know you guys? I’m a nitpicker supreme, but I’m not seeing how she was a total rude a—hole to him at all. She was pretty obviously joking around with him? Maybe I’m totally misreading the context, but it sounds like he was laughing too? As for the fact that some journalists were probably using their phones to record the interviews – and properly quote the celebrities – sure, I’m sure that’s what he was doing. But have you ever seen the other side of these scrums? Jennifer probably couldn’t even see this guy’s face because he was just holding up his phone to get the best position.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
