Who is Eazy The Block Captain? Age and all about the rapper amid Remy Ma and Papoose drama

Battle rapper Remy Ma and actor Eazy The Block Captain have recently been on the rap battle news. Rumors erupted that Remy Ma allegedly cheated on her husband Papoose (Pap) with Eazy.

Remy Ma's alleged lover is a 35-year-old rapper from Philadelphia. The Source reported that on Chrome 23: I Do What I Want, a rap battle league event, Geechi Gotti rapped directly at Remy, saying "I know it was not nice, he cried big tears, " referring to Papoose.

At this point, the alleged jabs made by Gotti during the rap battle are all conjecture and Remy has denied all accusations about the cheating scandal.

Disclaimer: This article contains some strong language. Reader discretion is advised.

Eazy The Block Captain is a battle rapper and actor

Eazy The Block Captain was born on August 17, 1988, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is an American battle rapper and actor. As per the website belair.fandom, he plays the role of Rashad Denton on the Peacock Channel's modern-day reinterpretation, Bel-Air.

Bel-Air is a television series which has Will Smith as the executive producer. It is a reimagination of the iconic 90s sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Eazy the Block Captain is also famous as a battle rapper with over one million views. He has participated in over 20 rap battles, as per IMDb. He also starred in a movie called Outside alongside Skilla Baby, Semaj Lesley, Eastside Juan, and many more.

Eazy has neither confirmed nor denied the affair allegations about Remy Ma made by rapper Geechi Gotti.

What did Geechi Gotti rap about Remy Ma?

On September 17, a clip from Chrome 23: I Do What I Want went viral after Geechi Gotti alleged Remy Ma cheated on Shamele Mackie, who goes by the name Papoose, with Eazy The Block Captain.

Geechi also claimed in his verse that Eazy and Papoose fought each other and that Remy's husband always showed admiration towards her, as per HipHopDx. Gotti rapped aggressively as he said:

"I don’t give a f*ck if you’re f*cking this n*gga, just tell him to stop screwing the business/ Y’all the poster child symbol for Black love/ Every interview he show his admiration and tell the world how he think his woman the greatest/ N*gga he held you down in prison for six years, I know it was not nice, he cried big tears."

He continued while rapping straight towards Remy Ma even though he was battling Eazy The Block Captain:

"He stood by you by your biggest accomplishments front row giving you big cheers/ Man you got a beautiful baby girl who is also amazing/ He’ll be damned if he lose you to this bozo in braces/ Listen he took you out to the best foods, when you ain’t feeling good he put you back in the best moods!"

Remy did have something to say about Geechi's comments on her marriage and alleged cheating scandal.

Remy Ma talks about Geechi Gotti

Remy Ma seemed unbothered by Gotti's alleged cheating accusations during the rap battle. She was approached by the YouTube channel 15 Minutes of Fame and talked about the situation. Remy first rapped her own reply to Geechi Gotti's verse and then said:

"He [was just saying] what’s been on the blogs for the last three/four months. I’m comfortable. Listen, it’s battle rap."

After the initial rumors began on June 17, Remy went on Twitter to confirm that Chrome 23, the rap battle league she found, would still continue. She denied the rumors about her and Eazy, saying:

"I’d like to apologize to everyone that was disappointed tonight because we couldn’t get 3 full rounds from all the opponents… I tried…and can y’all pleasee STOP with the Eazy & Pap LIES. There’s NO place like Chrome! Right back at it; see y’all in August #Chrome23."

Papoose has not released any statements on the matter yet. The couple have one daughter together named Reminisce MacKenzie, whom they affectionately call The Golden Child.

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