Why did Babytron get arrested? Real name and ethnicity explored amid recent detainment

American rapper Babytron was arrested for possession of controlled substances. The rapper is best known for being a member of the music group Shit*yBoyz. Since being placed behind bars, netizens have trolled the singer relentlessly. Others have also expressed interest in the musician’s personal life.

Hip-Hop news publication Daily Loud was the first to break the news of Babytron’s arrest. They claimed that the rapper was arrested after being in possession of controlled substances.

This refers to carrying a drug for sale or use that has not been prescribed by a physician. These drugs are also declared illegal by state and federal law. Some substances of this sort include cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana.

The penalties for drug possession depend upon several factors and can be of a broad range. Most of the time, those charged must pay a fine that ranges between $100 to $100,000 and more. They may also face up to 10 years of prison time.

The specifics concerning Babytron’s charge had not been made public at the time of writing this article.

What is Babytron’s real name?

Babytron’s real name is James Edward Johnson. The musician was born in Ypsilanti, Michigan. According to a Pitchfork interview, he is biracial. He was born to a black father and a caucasian mother.

Johnson began rapping in high school and formed the group Shit*yBoyz during his schooldays alongside friends StanWill and TrDee. To launch a career in music, they formed their own YouTube channel BbyTron SB in August 2017.

Johnson released his debut album in October 2019 which featured fellow rapper Lil Yachty. Since then, he has released other albums including Sleeve Nash, Back to the Future, Dookie Brothers, Luka Troncic and Bin Reaper 2 amongst others.

His song Jesus Shuttlesworth from his debut album is a crowd-pleaser. Babytron also performed alongside Danny Brown and Sada Baby which helped him build a fan following.

The rapper also featured in a Super Smash Bros. song by Teejayx6 which became immensely popular.

Speaking about his music style, music journalist Alphonse Pierre wrote in a Pitchfork interview:

“He delivers verses with clever punchlines that include extremely specific and nostalgic pop culture references, short vignettes that detail internet scams, flows that make it sound like he’s either just been shot out of a cannon or is bored in the back of a classroom, a sharp ear for funky beats, and a dire commitment to the Detroit rap style.”

According to Married Biography, the singer boasts a net worth between $500k and $1 million.

Netizens react to Babytron’s arrest

Internet users had hilarious reactions over the rapper’s arrest. Fans also hoped he would soon be released from jail. A few reactions read:

The rapper may have been released from jail. As per his Instagram story, he was performing in Columbus, Ohio. He also attached a post of himself showing off a sparkling watch while wearing glasses and a baseball cap. He also wished fellow musician LIL CA$HLOW for his birthday on his Instagram story.

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